281 research outputs found

    Non-Liquid Cellular States

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    The existence of quantum non-liquid states and fracton orders, both gapped and gapless states, challenges our understanding of phases of entangled matter. We generalize Wen's cellular topological states to liquid or non-liquid cellular states. We propose a mechanism to construct more general non-abelian states by gluing gauge-symmetry-breaking vs gauge-symmetry-extension interfaces as extended defects in a cellular network, including defects of higher-symmetries. Our approach also includes the anyonic particle/string condensation and composite string (p-string)/membrane condensations. This also shows gluing the familiar extended topological quantum field theory or conformal field theory data via topology, geometry, and renormalization consistency criteria (via certain modified group cohomology or cobordism theory data) in a tensor network can still guide us to analyze the non-liquid states. (Part of the abelian construction can be understood from the K-matrix Chern-Simons theory approach and coupled-layer-by-junction constructions.) This may also lead us toward a unifying framework for quantum systems of both higher-symmetries and sub-system/sub-dimensional symmetries.Comment: 42 pages. Subtitle: Gluing Gauge-(Higher)-Symmetry-Breaking vs -Extension Interfacial Defect

    Gene-Mating Dynamic Evolution Theory II: Global stability of N-gender-mating polyploid systems

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    Extending the previous 2-gender dioecious diploid gene-mating evolution model [arXiv:1410.3456], we attempt to answer "whether the Hardy-Weinberg global stability and the exact analytic dynamical solutions can be found in the generalized N-gender N-polyploid gene-mating system with an arbitrary number of alleles?" For a 2-gender gene-mating evolution model, a pair of male and female determines the trait of their offspring. Each of the pair contributes one inherited character, the allele, to combine into the genotype of their offspring. Hence, for an N-gender N-polypoid gene-mating model, each of N different genders contributes one allele to combine into the genotype of their offspring. We exactly solve the analytic solution of N-gender-mating (n+1)(n+1)-alleles governing highly-nonlinear coupled differential equations in the genotype frequency parameter space for any positive integer N and nn. For an analogy, the 2-gender to N-gender gene-mating equation generalization is analogs to the 2-body collision to the N-body collision Boltzmann equations with continuous distribution functions of "discretized" variables instead of "continuous" variables. We find their globally stable solution as a continuous manifold and find no chaos. Our solution implies that the Laws of Nature, under our assumptions, provide no obstruction and no chaos to support an N-gender gene-mating stable system.Comment: 11 pages. A sequel to arXiv:1410.3456. v2: Refs added, comments welcome, to appear on Theory in Biosciences - Springe

    Schrodinger Fermi Liquids

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    A class of strongly interacting many-body fermionic systems in 2+1D non-relativistic conformal field theory is examined via the gauge-gravity duality correspondence. The 5D charged black hole with asymptotic Schrodinger isometry in the bulk gravity side introduces parameters of background density and finite particle number into the boundary field theory. We propose the holographic dictionary, and realize a quantum phase transition of this fermionic liquid with fixed particle number by tuning the background density Ξ²\beta at zero temperature. On the larger Ξ²\beta side, we find the signal of a sharp quasiparticle pole on the spectral function A(k,w), indicating a well-defined Fermi surface. On the smaller Ξ²\beta side, we find only a hump with no sharp peak for A(k,w), indicating the disappearance of Fermi surface. The dynamical exponent zz of quasiparticle dispersion goes from being Fermi-liquid-like z≃1z\simeq1 scaling at larger Ξ²\beta to a non-Fermi-liquid scaling z≃3/2z\simeq 3/2 at smaller Ξ²\beta. By comparing the structure of Green's function with Landau Fermi liquid theory and Senthil's scaling ansatz, we further investigate the behavior of this quantum phase transition.Comment: 26 pages, many figures of spectral functions A(k,w). v2: add a new Fig, several clarifications, and discussions about holographic renormalization. Program code shared via a URL link in the manuscrip

    Symmetry-protected topological phases with charge and spin symmetries: response theory and dynamical gauge theory in 2D, 3D and the surface of 3D

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    A large class of symmetry-protected topological phases (SPT) in boson / spin systems have been recently predicted by the group cohomology theory. In this work, we consider SPT states at least with charge symmetry (U(1) or ZN_N) or spin SzS^z rotation symmetry (U(1) or ZN_N) in 2D, 3D, and the surface of 3D. If both are U(1), we apply external electromagnetic field / `spin gauge field' to study the charge / spin response. For the SPT examples we consider (i.e. Uc_c(1)β‹Š\rtimesZ2T^T_2, Us_s(1)Γ—\timesZ2T^T_2, Uc_c(1)Γ—\times[Us_s(1)β‹Š\rtimesZ2_2]; subscripts cc and ss are short for charge and spin; Z2T^T_2 and Z2_2 are time-reversal symmetry and Ο€\pi-rotation about SyS^y, respectively), many variants of Witten effect in the 3D SPT bulk and various versions of anomalous surface quantum Hall effect are defined and systematically investigated. If charge or spin symmetry reduces to ZN_N by considering charge-NN or spin-NN condensate, instead of the linear response approach, we gauge the charge/spin symmetry, leading to a dynamical gauge theory with some remaining global symmetry. The 3D dynamical gauge theory describes a symmetry-enriched topological phase (SET), i.e. a topologically ordered state with global symmetry which admits nontrivial ground state degeneracy depending on spatial manifold topology. For the SPT examples we consider, the corresponding SET states are described by dynamical topological gauge theory with topological BF term and axionic Θ\Theta-term in 3D bulk. And the surface of SET is described by the chiral boson theory with quantum anomaly.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX; Table II and Table III for summary of part of key result

    Boundary Degeneracy of Topological Order

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    We introduce the concept of boundary degeneracy of topologically ordered states on a compact orientable spatial manifold with boundaries, and emphasize that the boundary degeneracy provides richer information than the bulk degeneracy. Beyond the bulk-edge correspondence, we find the ground state degeneracy of the fully gapped edge modes depends on boundary gapping conditions. By associating different types of boundary gapping conditions as different ways of particle or quasiparticle condensations on the boundary, we develop an analytic theory of gapped boundaries. By Chern-Simons theory, this allows us to derive the ground state degeneracy formula in terms of boundary gapping conditions, which encodes more than the fusion algebra of fractionalized quasiparticles. We apply our theory to Kitaev's toric code and Levin-Wen string-net models. We predict that the Z2Z_2 toric code and Z2Z_2 double-semion model (more generally, the ZkZ_k gauge theory and the U(1)kΓ—U(1)βˆ’kU(1)_k \times U(1)_{-k} non-chiral fractional quantum Hall state at even integer kk) can be numerically and experimentally distinguished, by measuring their boundary degeneracy on an annulus or a cylinder.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. v3: the expanded version, add new tables for clarification, with some new correction

    Symmetry-protected many-body Aharonov-Bohm effect

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    It is known as a purely quantum effect that a magnetic flux affects the real physics of a particle, such as the energy spectrum, even if the flux does not interfere with the particle's path - the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Here we examine an Aharonov-Bohm effect on a many-body wavefunction. Specifically, we study this many-body effect on the gapless edge states of a bulk gapped phase protected by a global symmetry (such as ZN\mathbb{Z}_{N}) - the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) states. The many-body analogue of spectral shifts, the twisted wavefunction and the twisted boundary realization are identified in this SPT state. An explicit lattice construction of SPT edge states is derived, and a challenge of gauging its non-onsite symmetry is overcome. Agreement is found in the twisted spectrum between a numerical lattice calculation and a conformal field theory prediction.Comment: 5 pages main text + 8 pages appendix, 3 figures. v2: nearly PRB versio

    Non-Abelian String and Particle Braiding in Topological Order: Modular SL(3,Z) Representation and 3+1D Twisted Gauge Theory

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    String and particle braiding statistics are examined in a class of topological orders described by discrete gauge theories with a gauge group GG and a 4-cocycle twist Ο‰4\omega_4 of GG's cohomology group H4(G,R/Z)\mathcal{H}^4(G,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}) in 3 dimensional space and 1 dimensional time (3+1D). We establish the topological spin and the spin-statistics relation for the closed strings, and their multi-string braiding statistics. The 3+1D twisted gauge theory can be characterized by a representation of a modular transformation group SL(3,Z)(3,\mathbb{Z}). We express the SL(3,Z)(3,\mathbb{Z}) generators Sxyz\mathsf{S}^{xyz} and Txy\mathsf{T}^{xy} in terms of the gauge group GG and the 4-cocycle Ο‰4\omega_4. As we compactify one of the spatial directions zz into a compact circle with a gauge flux bb inserted, we can use the generators Sxy\mathsf{S}^{xy} and Txy\mathsf{T}^{xy} of an SL(2,Z)(2,\mathbb{Z}) subgroup to study the dimensional reduction of the 3D topological order C3D\mathcal{C}^{3\text{D}} to a direct sum of degenerate states of 2D topological orders Cb2D\mathcal{C}_b^{2\text{D}} in different flux bb sectors: C3D=βŠ•bCb2D\mathcal{C}^{3\text{D}} = \oplus_b \mathcal{C}_b^{2\text{D}}. The 2D topological orders Cb2D\mathcal{C}_b^{2\text{D}} are described by 2D gauge theories of the group GG twisted by the 3-cocycles Ο‰3(b)\omega_{3(b)}, dimensionally reduced from the 4-cocycle Ο‰4\omega_4. We show that the SL(2,Z)(2,\mathbb{Z}) generators, Sxy\mathsf{S}^{xy} and Txy\mathsf{T}^{xy}, fully encode a particular type of three-string braiding statistics with a pattern that is the connected sum of two Hopf links. With certain 4-cocycle twists, we discover that, by threading a third string through two-string unlink into three-string Hopf-link configuration, Abelian two-string braiding statistics is promoted to non-Abelian three-string braiding statistics.Comment: 36 pages, many figures, 17 tables. v3: Accepted by Phys. Rev. B. Add acknowledgements to Louis H. Kauffma
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